Monday, December 18, 2006

Where is the justice? Where is the dignity?

Millennium Park - Cloud Gate
Originally uploaded by TeresaHsu.

Things have been absurd recently. People who seem nice are actually behave badly. People who seem to need sympathy are not deserving it. This world is twisted. Justice and dignity are just words, they are not about the real life, but more like a fantacy. You hear them to be said, but you cannot see them. The justice is neglected for pursuing the ultimate goals. The dignity is sacrificed in exchange of personal benefits. When it comes to individual life, do all the dirty pool become moral? Then, what can we count on? What can we believe?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

她 9

Musee d'Orsay, originally uploaded by TeresaHsu.

她告訴F 她將去一個音樂會
F說 會寫email給她
她說 你可以和我一起去
F說 會打電話給她
兩天 沒有email 沒有電話

F打了電話 在音樂會前兩小時
F說 不確定是什麼地方 但是一定會找到
F出現 帶著淡淡的香味 與迷人的微笑

F說 教堂不是哥德式建築 應該是40,50年代的產物
她微笑 想起F來自那個有許多優美建築物的國家
F說 歌劇並非艱澀難懂
她驚訝 想起F來自歌劇的發源地
F的呼吸頻率 卻讓她專注聆聽
他們猜測著歌者唱的是英文, 義大利文, 或是拉丁文
偶爾 F會轉過頭 瞇起眼對她微笑

F說 喝杯咖啡吧
她說 知道一個好地方
F說 一天可以喝4,5杯咖啡
她不敢相信 因為咖啡因會使她無法成眠
F說 別忘了 我是哪裡人
她知道 這杯咖啡後 將是漫漫無法入睡的長夜
但 她 只想讓此刻延續
F的事業 旅行 朋友 生活 與夢想
她的生活 朋友 旅行 與模糊的夢想
他們都愛旅行 都愛舊金山與巴黎
他們談PAVAROTTI 說Broadway Musical

F的世界如此遼闊 讓她著迷
F說 會寫email給她
她知道 這一別 又將會是永遠
F回頭 她也回頭
舉起手 揮了揮 轉過頭 離開

F 是住在上海的義大利人
她 是住在美國的台灣人

Monday, December 04, 2006


@ Creve Coeur, originally uploaded by TeresaHsu.

It collapsed again
Just like snow falling from the roof
Dispersing in the air
Probably melting into the air before touch the ground
Or settling somewhere on the large tract of snow
Without a track
How could them be put back piece by piece?
Without a track
They lost flake by flake

Saturday, December 02, 2006


@ Creve Coeur, originally uploaded by TeresaHsu.

It's just like it has always been.
I should've already got used to it.
I should've...but I didn't.
It attacks me without notice and sympathy.
No effective therapy and no precaution, I am exposed to unknown.

I look into windows when I walk down the street to find accompany.
I turn on TV to feel other people's existence.
I let the radio shouting to cover the quietness.
when I stand in the crowd
when I leave a party
or when I need a shoulder to cry on
it is there.....

I'm strolling in a frigid air and wondering whether it is gonna end.
Maybe it's not gonna because it's not supposed to...